Omni Legal Group - Santa Monica Office (Law Firms) in Santa Monica
Full information about Omni Legal Group - Santa Monica Office in Santa Monica: address, opening hours, phone, fax, email, website. Omni Legal Group - Santa Monica Office on the map, description and reviews.
Contact details of Omni Legal Group - Santa Monica Office:
2425 Olympic Blvd #4000, Santa Monica, California (CA), 90404
(310) 860-2000
(310) 305-1550
EditOmni Legal Group - Santa Monica Office opening hours:
Monday – Sunday : 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
EditReviews about Omni Legal Group - Santa Monica Office:
About Omni Legal Group - Santa Monica Office:
The Attorney's at the Omni Legal Group in Santa Monica are seasoned professional well versed in patent, copyright and trademark law. If you are looking for trademark registration, licensing, enforcement and search? Our trademark attorneys are very happy to help you to protect your trademarks. Call us for free consultations in Santa Monica at (310) 860-2000 or Learn more about us at our website:
EditLaw Firms nearest to Omni Legal Group - Santa Monica Office:
Faber Michael J Attorney Santa Monica, Law Firms; 2425 Olympic Blvd, Santa Monica, CA, 90404-4030; (310) 828-6610
Geller Jay H Attorney Santa Monica, Law Firms; 2425 Olympic Blvd#4000w, Santa Monica, CA, 90404-4030; (310) 449-1399
Greenberg Traurig Attorneys At Law Santa Monica, Law Firms; 2450 Colorado Ave, Santa Monica, CA, 90404-3575; (310) 586-7700
Nelsen Thompson Pegue & Thornton Santa Monica, Law Firms; 2425 Olympic Blvd#4000w, Santa Monica, CA, 90404-4030; (310) 315-1001